Mars add - Click to enlarge...!
Concert: Mars, Oslo.
We warmed up for "Palace of Pleasure" on "Mars", Oslo 14 february, Henning played percussion and drums. The response was good, but mixed. We got some reactions for being jazzy, especially because we had included Tomas Berg on saxophone on the 2nd last song.

Picture from the Fellessentral consert - Click to enlarge...!Concert: Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
26 february we played at "Kunstnernes Hus", Oslo in connection with "Fellessentralen", on "Origami Republika´s documentation installation". We played on our old analogue synths; ARP Odyssey and Korg MS-20, Henning played percussion and toy piano. As playback we used a nature-recording from Northen-Norway. The music turned out to be very special for us to do, but the response was good.

Bilde fra Mir konserten - Klikk for å forstørre bildet...! Concert: Mir, Oslo.
Our next concert was at "Mir", Oslo 22 april. Henning played percussion and drums. The response was very good, maybe because we had turned more floating and ambient again.

The summer and fall went by mostly working with new material. The co work with Henning stopped, mostly because we didn't get any gigs. But we continued the idea of building space around rhythms. We didn't put in so many details as earlier, but instead we used long samples and more complex rhythm patterns. We worked as before via MIDI and internal sequencer. We didn't have a plan for releases, but agreed on making enough songs and at a given time take a selection for release. Late fall we borough an 8- track Adat recorder, and started recording the songs we liked the most to tape.